
FAQ on Admission

Q.Is there any entrance scholarship for foreign students?

A. Yes, we have scholarships for foreign students such as the Thesis Submission Scholarship.
Other internal and external scholarships from foundations and institutions are also available.

Q.In case of Chinese university graduates, what kind of documents should be submitted?

A. Applicants who graduated from Chinese university have to submit three documents in total.
  • 1. Graduation Certificates of China Higher Education Student Information( complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary's office)
  • 2. Graduation certificate(a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary's office)
  • 3. Degree certificate(a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary's office)

Q.What kind of documents should be submitted by prospective graduates?

A. Prospective students have to submit an official prospective graduation certificate(a complete English or Korean translation notarized by a notary's office and verified by the Korean Embassy). Chinese prospective graduates have to submit a prospective graduation certificate(a complete English or Korean translation notarized by a notary's office, a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary's office). Failure to submit graduation certificate before enrollment will lead to cancellation of admission.

Q.How is the interview process?

A. The interview is a person-to-person interview, and is offered by the department. Therefore, applicants should inquire with the department. Applicants should also check the interview schedule which is uploaded on the graduate school website.

Q.If I cannot go to the interview, what should I do?

A. Applicants residing abroad who are not able to attend the interview physically have to contact the related departments in advance. In approved cases, video phone or on-line interview can be held. Please make sure if the department applicants want to apply for has the interview or not.

Q.Should all the documents be submitted by the deadline?

A. All the documents must be submitted by the deadline. However, applicants, who are not be able to submit the document due to any unavoidable circumstances, must contact the graduate school office in advance to submit the documents. The university does not take responsibility for incomplete documents or any resulting consequences. Submitted documents will not be returned.

Q.My undergraduate major and the major I want to apply are different. Can I still apply?

A. Yes, it is possible. However, applicants must take prerequisite subjects after admission.

Q.What is the schedule after the admission? Please explain the enrollment process in chronological order

A. After the admission, students should proceed the following steps:
  • 1. Check the admission announcement / print out the letter of admission.
  • 2. Print out the tuition bill during the registration period and make the payment to the assigned bank account.
  • 3. Reply to the ‘VISA issuing guideline’ e-mail sent by the graduate school office.
  • 4. Receive ‘Certificate of Admission’ (Domestic residents: receive it from Graduate School office, International residents: Graduate School office will send it by EMS)
  • 5. Apply for the VISA : Call the related agency for the VISA, ask about the required documents and apply for the VISA
    • 1) Domestic residents: Visit the Immigration Office
    • 2) International residents(except students with Chinese nationality): Visit embassy
  • 6. Register for classes
  • 7. Orientation
  • 8. Semester begins

Q.How can students residing outside of Korea pay the tuition fee?

A. Applicants who reside overseas must pay the tuition fee to the virtual payment account specified in the bill; however, if there is no other way except international wire transfer, email( or us and we will provide further information.

Q.Is there any additional payment Thesis Submission Scholarship recipients to make?

A. Yes, even scholarship students must pay the enrollment fee, insurance fee and medical check-up fee. All students must check the tuition bill and pay within the given period.

Q.I’m an Overseas Korean Foundation Scholarship recipient. Do I need to pay the tuition?

A. Even if you are the recipient, you have to pay the fee for entrance, insurance fee and medical check-up fee. The refund for insurance fee and others will be processed after the completion of the tuition fee payment. Scholarship recipients have to submit the proof of the scholarship to Graduate School office.

Q.Is there an extended period for tuition payment?

A. Tuition must be paid on time, otherwise the admission will be cancelled.

Q.When do I apply for a dormitory?

A. Please check announcements for dormitory application which will be posted on the Graduate School website. The result will be notified individually

Q.Can the Certificate of Admission be reissued?

A. No. The certificate of admission is issued only once. Please note that it is one of the most important documents for the Visa application; therefore, it must be managed with care.

Q.Is medical and medical check-up mandatory?

A. According to the regulation 37 of Kyung Hee University Graduate School, all international students must get the medical health check-up. Students who already received a check-up at another agency must receive a check-up again.

Q.Is insurance mandatory?

A. According to the regulation 36 of Kyung Hee University Graduate School, international students must have a medical insurance. International students who do not have the medical insurance will be excluded from any scholarships and various benefits.